April 1, 2019

Left elevator complete! Rolling leading edge and installing rod end bearings

Not an April Fool's joke, I swear! I spent three hours wrestling with the leading edge of the left elevator, but I finally got it finished and got the rod end bearings installed. The left elevator is finally done!

It looks pretty good next to its sibling on the elevator stand!

At this point all of the parts that came in my empennage kit have been assembled, so work on the empennage is coming to a close.

The tail of my RV-7, in pieces.

It's been a fun journey up to this point, but I'm only getting started. I only have a few odds and ends to complete on the empennage, including making some cuts on the horizontal stabilizer to ensure full elevator travel and also installing the fiberglass tips later on. After that, it's time to move on to the wings!