March 26, 2019

Starting left elevator riveting

After a long day at work I only had a couple hours to spend on the project, but I managed to get the final assembly started on the left elevator. I had to file away part of the leading edge tabs next to the counterbalance skin on either side since they were scraping against one another. It's probably not a huge deal, but I don't need anything adding to the stressful experience that is rolling the leading edges of the skin.

Needs some work...

Much better!

The process from here is pretty much identical to that of the right elevator: rivet the counterbalance skin to the main skin, place the counterweight with bolts in place into the counterbalance skin, rotate the skeleton into place, and put clecos in everything.

I went to cleco the trim spar into place when I noticed a small deformation of the lower skin near the closeout I had just finished.  I used the hand seamer in an attempt to flatten it a bit, but that only made a small difference. It isn't perfect, but at least it won't look terrible anymore.

This part of the skin is supposed to sit flat on the spar, so a deformation like this will be pretty noticeable.

With everything clecoed in place I could start the riveting process proper. I only managed to get the main spar riveted on either side before I ran out of time.

A good start!